Source code for nifi_deploy.nifi_deploy

This file is used for the CLI tool.
By default links `nifi-deploy` as an executable
to this file.

import argparse

[docs]def export_function(args): nifi_host = args.nifi_host username = args.username password = args.password uuid = args.uuid name = description = args.description filename = args.filename quiet = args.quiet keep_template = args.keep_template n = NifiInstance(nifi_host, username=username, password=password) template_id = None template = n.create_template( pg_id=uuid, name=name, desc=description ) if not template: return content = n.export_template(, filename) if not args.quiet: print(content) if not args.keep_template and template: n.delete_template(
[docs]def import_function(args): nifi_host = args.nifi_host username = args.username password = args.password filename = args.filename n = NifiInstance(nifi_host, username=username, password=password) n.import_template(args.filename)
[docs]def cli(): ### argparse setup parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='nifi-deploy') parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='store_true', default=False) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='Actions', help='Append `--help` to view action specific help') ### export subparser example_usage = """EXAMPLE USAGE: nifi-deploy export -n https://nifihost:9090 0a7361fd-015f-1000-ffff-ffffd2cbc7a7 my_great_template -u john -p badpractice -d template description -f c:\\temp\\my_great_template_export.xml --keep_template """ parser_export = subparsers.add_parser('export', epilog=example_usage) parser_export.add_argument('uuid', help='UUID of a process group to export as a template XML') parser_export.add_argument('name', help='Name of exported template - also the name internally if `--keep_template` is included') parser_export.add_argument('-n', '--nifi_host', help='Nifi host (typically http://<nifihost>:8080), else using environment variable `NIFI_HOST`') parser_export.add_argument('-u', '--username', help='Nifi username, else using environment variable `NIFI_USERNAME`') parser_export.add_argument('-p', '--password', help='Nifi password, else using environment variable `NIFI_PASSWORD`') parser_export.add_argument('-d', '--description', help='Description of the template - also used internally if `--keep_template` is included') parser_export.add_argument('-f', '--filename', help='Path to save exported XML to') parser_export.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', default=False, help='Do not output exported XML to stdout') parser_export.add_argument('-k', '--keep_template', action='store_true', default=False, help='Keep the template in Nifi after export, else exclusively export XML and delete the temporarily instantiated template') parser_export.set_defaults(func=export_function) ### import subparser example_usage = """EXAMPLE USAGE: nifi-deploy import -n https://nifihost:9090 c:\\temp\\my_great_template_export.xml -u john -p badpractice """ parser_import = subparsers.add_parser('import', epilog=example_usage) parser_import.add_argument('filename', help='Path to template XML file for uploading to Nifi') parser_import.add_argument('-n', '--nifi_host', help='Nifi host (typically http://<nifihost>:8080), else using environment variable `NIFI_HOST`') parser_import.add_argument('-u', '--username', help='Nifi username, else using environment variable `NIFI_USERNAME`') parser_import.add_argument('-p', '--password', help='Nifi password, else using environment variable `NIFI_PASSWORD`') parser_import.set_defaults(func=import_function) ### show usage help args = parser.parse_args() if getattr(args, 'version', None): print(__version__) return if getattr(args, 'func', None): args.func(args) else: parser.print_help()
if not __name__ == '__main__': from . import __version__ from .nifi import NifiInstance else: # HACK: Extract version with regex from when run as a script import os from re import compile pattern = compile('__version__\s+=\s+\'(.*)\'') path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '' ) with open(path) as fd: __version__ = # from nifi import NifiInstance cli()